
Monday, December 19, 2011

Reflections: Week 8-14

Reflecting is probably one of the best soul foods that I can give my spirit, and for this class in particular, it was especially satisfying. This class has given me the knowledge and motivation to make a change not only at the individual level, but also inspiring environmental health change at the societal level through advocacy. From “Tapped” to junking, it’s been a fund ride.

Week 8 involved a follow up on my read ‘n’ seed to learn more about one of the most crucial elements of life, water. As a member of MPIRG, I decided to take part in their environmental task force by showing this same documentary as an event for the Health Fair. Through watching this documentary, I learned the severity of BPA, and how to make health related decisions in relation to this dangerous chemicals. I take strides towards using glass jars and BPA free plastic products.

Week 9 opened the second side of health education responsibility 7, which was advocating for health. Before this, advocating for health to senators and house representatives probably would’ve scared the life out of me. With the help of all the advocacy education, I was able to realize that I am meant to change health at more than the interpersonal level. I want to make policy changes that will create changes for health at the macro level.  Week 11’s overview issue helped me to take the research steps to creating change at the macro level. My issue topic was the Fair Farm Bill, in which I was engaged to do advocacy action on the UMD campus through MPIRG and Food and Water Watch in the Duluth area.  Never in a million years would I have seen myself trying to contact our Senator to change our food policies, but I’m glad I did!

From the movie “Fight Club,” a character said, “we work jobs we hate to by sh** that we don’t need!” I’ve always pondered on that until “the story of stuff” was shown in class. This YouTube video extended the movie quote to inspire change on what and how much I purchase. That video showed me so many specific reasons why I should think before I purchase. I now find myself in Target asking myself, “do I really need this, and is this really worth causing more damage onto someone else’s health?”

My favorite project in this class was junking. I have a new love for searching through Linky Parties and seeing how many people are finding ways to salvage old things that would normally end up a landfill and turn them into new objects for use.  I was amazed at the projects people completed for the junking “show and tell” day, and I also learned some tips and tricks for my future projects.

Last but not least, learning how to blog was has turned into a new skill for me. I love learning from others and blogging does it in a way that can be entertaining for me! Now that I’ve learned how to blog, Knowing how to use this tool better, will allow me to spread the knowledge and experience I have the with new HERO project for my internship!

Over all, this class has been one of the most beneficial and entertaining classes that I have ever taken. Whether, I’m shutting off lights, blogging about ways to improve health, or changing policy, all of these actions were caused by this course. Thank you!


  1. Shannon,

    I thought it was so cool that you made candles for your junking project, they were very pretty and it was a great chance to get creative. My roommate and I have so many candles so we need to learn how to make our own so we can save the left over wax instead of throwing it out.

    I'm glad that we got to blog together during this part of the semester, we definitely talked about some interesting things in this class. I hope to always think out of the box on how to be more environmentally friendly. I have to agree with you as well on what my favorite project was in this class, definitely the junking. It was fun to get creative and think of what to use things for. Have a good winter break!

  2. Hey Shannon! I thought your junk project on making candles was awesome. I have always thought that would be a neat project to do...nice job! I like that you put that quote from Fight Club on this post. It's such a true statement. I really could practice this more in my life...I know I tend to buy things that I don't need and would probably save quite a bit of money if I quit purchasing pointless items. I agree that this class has been so beneficial and truly has taught me SO much! It was great having you in my blog always have such informative posts and great comments. Have a wonderful break!
