
Monday, October 10, 2011

Eye opener CSPI

Hey gang!
Just took the quizzes quickly and I'm shocked, but at the same time I understand.

What caught my eyes is that in 2002 140 million livestock and 9 billion chicks and turkeys were slaughtered for us. That's 30 birds per American. I've often contemplated what we as a nation can do to cut down on things like this. Do we really need buffets? Do we really need steak houses for the huge 10 oz steaks. My answer is not really. I've been working on how to incorporate the "flexitarian diet" which is almost vegitarian with some meat products here and there for the vitamin b12's

My new flexitarian habits were reinforced when I entered what I eat because here are my ratings:
.4 grains for grass
22.1 lbs for fertilizer
.2 pesitcides
2,397 lbs of manure created.

2. Eat green calculator
My next test scores were in the grand total column
Health 104
environment -25
animal welfare-18
I didn't take the plege yet. Not ready to yet.

3. My highest score was in the dairy category
4. My lowest was in the vegetables
5. What I can do to change some of this is meet with a nutritionist to lay out a food plan that will work with lowering this score.

1. What this means to me is that I'm a little confused on how to make a food plan for myself and how much in each category of the food groups. I've been basing my meal plan off of but I may need to do a little more research on how to figure out what exactly I need to eat. So far, I know which food groups to shy away from but I don't know what the bare minimum is to eat inorder to make sure i'm not nutrient deficient.


  1. I'm confused too! Our discussion in class reinforced this confusion with healthy diet versus environmentally friendly foods. What do we eat and how much? Who has these answers?

  2. I have never heard of the term flexitarian diet before. I defiantly want to learn more about this diet. The food pyramid is a good reference for general guide lines for meal plans but you defiantly need to do more research because who knows just how accurate it is. I have also heard that they might do away with the food pyramid here soon.
