
Monday, October 31, 2011

Reflections: Week 1-7

I'm not trying to be a brown-nose, but besides frustrations with blogger, this has been my favorite class in my schedule. Here's why for the first two weeks:

Ice breaker activities such as trying to fit people onto the squares or use our brains to think outside the box. This was the fun part, but the frustrating thing was being patient with blogger. To be honest, I still don't know how to monkey around with HTML codes, but I do know how to use some gadgets, mess around with the layout, and join other people's blogs! That's a big start.

Week 3-4 allowed me to realize how much I use according to the earth in our first eye opener project. To sustain people like me it would take around 5.9 Earths. I'm glad that we discussed the eye opener tests in class to address our "guilt" for living the way we do. When Dr. V talked about how to get motivated to change was better than getting down on ourselves, I felt a lot more motivated to change.

Week 3 was also the day I started to read

The book started out really dense, but I got the point right away. The point is that America, specifically is starting to suffer from abuse on water resources. The other big point of the book is who gets to own water. Since I have been reading this book, I've started to notice the news and what it's reporting on the water issue.

I also learned terms such as aquifer, water cycle, commodity, infrastructure, ground, and surface water. 

Week 5 and 6 were probably my favorite weeks, because I take a great interest in healthy food. I've seen the documentary Food Inc. but I had never really learned about GMO pattenting, and why someone like Monsanto would do such a thing. The documentary "Fresh"gave me hope that we can return to a sustainable way of farming. I learned so much about the cycle of of farming and why a diverse farm is so much healthier than a homogenous corporate farm. I've been able to start eating a fliexitarian diet, which is a lower animal product style of eating. 

Blogging wasn't all bad and difficult to learn. Once I was able to start reading about what my other group members were up to, I became so much more interested. I loved Cole's tips on how to read product labels just like food labels. I'm working on using natural cleaners such as vinegar rather than petroleum based products. 
I was also proud of Alyssa for her changes in lifestyle. It sounded as if she learned how to address things when they were out of her control, and learn how to change for the future. After watching the documentary "Tapped," I now realize even more how valuable her SMART goal was.
 As for Cayla, I loved her book about eating Vegetarian. She mentioned that Jane Goodall d that meat was to hard on our digestive system because our intestines were too long. I definitely agree with that, because I noticed healthier digestion going on in my body. When she mentioned the honey bees transferring pattented seeds, and this was the first experience I had about GMO products before we watched a documentary on it in class.

To those I've been blogging with, thanks for informing me on what you've read or changed. I'm going to try and have faith that my new group members will be as awesome as you!


  1. Shannon

    I've really enjoyed sharing ideas with you over blogging and in class. I like how you pointed out in your reflection that sustainable farming is possible. I wish more people understood that. I also appreciate your practical approach to water conservation by saving the water than runs off while you draw up the hot water for a shower. I still find that brilliant. If only I could convince the rest of my family to adopt that trick....

    I'm glad you enjoyed the snippets I shared from Easy Green Living. It was such an interesting book it was hard to keep my posts short (which I never managed at all). Change is a process, and for me a slow one, but you my dear just seem to grab the bull by the horns and go. Good for you! You are an inspiration. Never loose your enthusiasm.

    Good luck in the second half of class, I hope you enjoy it just as much as the first.


  2. Hi Shannon!

    As you know, I am part of your new web group and I'm sure we will have lots to share among each other during the second half of this course. In reading your reflection and reflecting on what I learned so far in this class made me realize that this is not just a class, I view it as the "news" because every week their something more interesting and shocking discussed about our environment. Over the past seven weeks I've learned so much, just as I see you have done as well. In reading your post, you mentioned you are on a fliexitarian diet, is it that you just consume less meat? This class seemed to have an affect on everyone in someway; from how we eat, how we think, what we put on our bodies. Wow so much to consider to be as healthy as you can be!

  3. Hey Shannon! Since you commented on my post, you already know I'm in your web group :) Reading your reflection was great and I agree with so much of what you said. Also, Chnice made such a good point about how this isn't just a class, it's news. So true! I have learned so much so far and am excited to see what the rest of the semester will bring!

  4. Shannon, I agree with you about learning about healthy foods. I always like learning about what's good to eat and what to stay away from. I also, saw the documentary Food Inc. and that was definitely eye opening, and seeing Fresh on top of that was extremely eye opening. I look forward to the next portion of this semester and all the more things we get to learn!
